Milken Educator Awards | Arkansas Editorial Photographer

I was contacted in mid-February by the Director of Creative Services at the Milken Family Foundation to photograph the presentation of the Milken Educator Awards for both Arkansas and Louisiana. 

The Milken Educator Awards targets early-to-mid career education professionals for their already impressive achievements and, more significantly, for the promise of what they will accomplish in the future. The award is considered "The Oscars" for educators and each winner in given an award of $25,000. To date, more than 2,600 Awards have been given out, totaling over $65 million. 

I am very familiar with this award. When I was a photographer for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, I had covered many of these awards. One of the most exciting things about these awards is the winner does not know he or she has won until the big announcement. It's kept a secret from everyone.

You can see the galleries from Arkansas and Louisiana by going here.

Congratulations to the Arkansas MEA winner, Carman McBride from Don Roberts Elementary in Little Rock.

Congratulations to the Louisiana MEA winner, Lindsey Parker from North DeSoto Elementary 3-5 School in Stonewall, Louisiana.

Snow Day

For years, I was never really able to enjoy the snow. 

I spent nearly 20 years working for newspapers and whenever there was a major snowfall, I had to work. I never got to take a "snow day."

This year was different. 

Growing up in New Orleans, snowfall was rare. Really rare. If it did snow, it was just a dusting. I never saw real snow until I moved to Arkansas.  

But I always had to work. Yes, it was my job and I LOVED my job, but I just wanted to enjoy it from a spectators point of view, not from behind the lens.  

So as four inches of snow quietly fell overnight (preceded by two inches and five hours of heavy sleet) I could not wait to enjoy a snow day. 

I didn't build a snowman. I didn't sled.

I just walked and enjoyed the beauty of my own neighborhood.

And I loved it.  



Green Guide 2015 | Portraits | Arkansas Photographer

A few months ago, I worked with Arkansas Business Publishing Group, and Art Director Erin Lang, photographing a series of Eco Hero Portraits for the 2015 issue of Green Guide. 

If you haven't eaten at The Root, you're missing out!

If you haven't eaten at The Root, you're missing out!


Green Guide is an annual publication designed to make it easier for Arkansans to live greener lives. It includes tips and trends to green your home, work and community; profiles of eco-heroes who are leading the charge; and a comprehensive resource guide of eco-friendly products and services in Arkansas.

Green Guide is always a blast to photograph and quite informative at the same time. The Eco-Heroes are scattered throughout the state and it gives me a great opportunity to see and learn what the states leading green innovators are doing in their particular field.