Babies, babies everywhere.

The babies are coming...and some are already here!

The wonderful staff at Little Rock Family Magazine have outdone themselves and have dedicated their entire November issue to babies. And I mean lots and lots of babies.

The cover story and photo features two moms that most of Central Arkansas will easily recognize. We joined KARK evening anchor Ashley Ketz Nolan and morning anchor Mallory Hardin Brooks and their little ones, Aven and Grace Anne, for their cover photo shoot at the KARK studios.

Here is an excerpt from the on-line article that you can find by going here.

LRF: How do you make it all work?

"Ashley: Aven has taught me to slow down and live more in the moment. I like routine and with a baby no two days are alike. I’ve also become quite the muti-tasker which isn’t always good. Recently I was cooking Aaron’s dinner, while eating myself and talking to Aven at the same time. I ended up with a chipped front tooth!

Aaron and I work completely opposite schedules. I work nights and he works mornings, so one of us is always with Aven. We make dinner a priority. It may not be a home cooked meal every night, but I usually try to make dinner two to three times a week (doing most of the prep work in the mornings) and we eat leftovers a lot. Our families are close and willing to help us out with childcare when we’re in a bind."


Ashley Ketz Nolan (left) and Mallory Hardin Brooks

Ashley Ketz Nolan (left) and Mallory Hardin Brooks


Now, on to the babypalloza. Yep, that's what we called it, Babypalooza.

There's something lurking in the water at Arkansas Business Publishing Group because there are babies and moms-to-be everywhere. The rest of the November baby issue featured way-adorable photos of the ABPG babies and the moms.

I took over their large conference room for two days to accommodate the staffers varied schedules and when the babies are at their happiest. Surprisingly, there were few meltdowns. There were only a few times when the babies cried and the moms kept their cool.

But that's the joy of having babies....right??? And if you visit ABPG, don't drink the water ;)

Little Rock Family: October

Happy Fall Y'all

OK, I'm glad I got that out of the way.

Welcome to October and my favorite time of the year. I hate the heat so I'm very thankful that fall is finally here and the cold weather of winter in finally on its way. I just hate photo shoots in the sweltering heat!

But I digress....

The October issue of Little Rock Family Magazine has hit the stands and this months issue features Dr. Jenny Gregory who is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Little Rock Gynecology and Obstetrics, PLCC. She and her husband Wade have their hands full with daughters, Lillian 3 1/2, Evan 1 1/2, and baby girl #3 on the way.

We photographed the Gregory family at one of their favorite places in Little Rock, the Little Rock Zoo.

You can read more about Dr. Gregory by going here, but here is a small excerpt from the article,

"Being a parent is the most rewarding and hardest thing that I’ve ever done. I think the challenge is just fitting it all in. Finding time for work, family, church, friends, exercise, volunteerism, and relaxation is tough. It is definitely a sacrifice for all parents and my hat goes off to the single parents out there,” she says. “It certainly takes a village!”

A Taste of Fall

Happy Fall Y'all

The official start to the fall season began Monday night at 9:29 p.m., but Mother Nature opened the refrigerator door a little early because yesterday morning was a delightfully, crisp day. For me, cooler weather should have been here weeks ago. I loathe hot and humid weather. But I digress....

"Hot" Chocolate with a kick of Cayenne.

"Hot" Chocolate with a kick of Cayenne.

Just in time to welcome to fall season, the wonderful team and P. Allen Smith and Bonnie Plants published the latest issue of Garden Home featuring A Taste of Fall.

This issue of A Taste of Fall features wonderful recipes (and photos) that highlight some of the vegetables and herbs that are plentiful and thrive in your garden during the cooler months.

These include:

  • Radicchio (also known as Chicory)
  • Kale
  • Brussel Sprouts (I love them roasted)
  • Leeks
  • Pumpkins
  • and mane more...

Myself along with food stylist Victoria Gross and chef Cindy Alpe spent a wonderful summer's day whipping up recipes and photographing the results.

I cannot thank the wonderful team at P. Allen Smith and Bonnie Plants for yet another incredible opportunity to work with them. It's always a pleasure.

Now, bring on the snow!

Below are just a few photos that I really loved. The Sausage and Kale stew didn't make it in print and these few veggies I really loved but ran small on the collage page.